Two Seconds of Fame

How did I end up in a TV commercial for a book? Here’s the story…

It all starts back in December 2020 when I see that advanced copies of J.D. Barker’s latest novel, A Caller’s Game, are available on the NetGalley reviewer website. Admittedly I’ve never heard of Barker before, but my early-reader friends are buzzing about the release. I take a chance and end up loving it, prompting my very favorable review.

Cut to January 28th when an email from the author pops up in my inbox:

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“This IS exciting,” I say to myself (and possibly to a few friends via text). “Why the heck not?” I ask. Sounds like a good bit of fun to be had in the midst of a pandemic, so I am, in fact, game. I read on…

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Cool beans! I fire off an affirmative reply to “jd.” The next day I get an email from a friendly gent to set up the Zoom, and two days after that we’re Zooming. Beforehand I do a little prep, like showering, applying what I believe are called “cosmetics” (if memory serves), and adjusting the room lighting and filters on my computer in favorable ways.

Friendly gent and I chat for about 15-20 minutes about A Caller’s Game, all easy breezy, just as “jd” promised. I lay down some casual-but-killer soundbites such as “nonstop, action-packed thrill ride,” almost like someone who’s worked in marketing her whole career (side eye). Gent says the final TV spot is probably going to end up on Hulu and TikTok. (TikTok has commercials? I wouldn’t know.)

Weeks then go by, and I may or may not check YouTube periodically to see if it’s on there. It’s possible I visit the author’s website a few times, but I can’t confirm.

Finally, on February 22nd - the book’s publication day - my buddy texts me: “Is that you at the 8-second mark???” Why yes it is!

And getting to that 8-second mark was a thrill ride. ;)


March 2021 Book Club Roundup


February 2021 Amazon First Reads